Tule mukaan.

Tämä on tilaisuutesi osallistua aktiivisesti tuotteidemme tulevaisuuden
muotoiluun ja nauttia yksinoikeudella varhaisesta käyttöoikeudesta.

Auta muokkaamaan <tc>Emaldo</tc>n tulevaisuutta

Me Emaldossa uskomme älykkäämpien energiaratkaisujen rakentamiseen yhdessä niiden käyttäjien ja asentajien kanssa. Siksi kutsumme asiakkaat, asentajat, jaenergian harrastajat  mukaan muokkaamaan tuotteidemme ja palveluidemme tulevaisuutta.

Liittymällä johonkin Advisory Boardiin tai ryhtymällä Beta-testaaja mobiilisovelluksemme käyttäjäksi saat tilaisuuden antaa arvokasta palautetta, päästä varhaisessa vaiheessa käsiksi uusiin kehityskohteisiin ja auttaa meitä parantamaan Emaldo-kokemusta.

Ways to get involved

Consumer Advisory Board

Share your experience as a system owner and help improve our products and services.

As we strive to simplify the complexities of the energy industry for our end-customers, we want to ensure we capture regular and direct feedback on how we are doing. This forum will bring together a diverse group of our customers to give us feedback on how we are doing and provide input into the future of our products.

All things app related, including, look & feel, features, manual configuration, etc.

Board size: <8 customers

Meeting frequency
Once every 3 months (quarterly) virtually.


  • Early access to product previews or updates
  • Influence on product development and company decisions


  • Be available to attend quarterly meetings
  • Provide honest and constructive feedback
  • Respect confidentiality where applicable
  • Ability to provide your feedback in English

Members must sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to safeguard any confidential or proprietary information disclosed during meetings. Membership is limited to a maximum term of one (1) year to promote diverse participation over time. Membership is on a voluntary basis, and no financial compensation will be provided. Members consent to being referenced in marketing activities/campaigns.

Installer Advisory Board

Provide professional insights on installations, usability, and product enhancements.

To continuously improve our solution, we want to gather feedback, insights, and advice from our installation partners. This forum will bring together a diverse group of Installers to provide direct feedback on our past and future developments.

The discussions will focus on a range of topics, including practical, installation-related improvements, product efficiency, and supporting systems.

Board size: <8 installers

Meeting frequency
Once every 3 months (quarterly), meetings will be held virtually.


  • Early access to product previews or updates
  • Influence on product development and company decisions
  • Networking with industry peers


  • Be available to attend quarterly meetings
  • Provide honest and constructive feedback
  • Respect confidentiality where applicable
  • Ability to provide your feedback in English

Members must sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to safeguard any confidential or proprietary information disclosed during meetings. Membership is limited to a maximum term of one (1) year to promote diverse participation over time. Membership is on a voluntary basis, and no financial compensation will be provided. Members consent to being referenced in marketing activities/campaigns.

App Beta Tester

Get early access to new features in our mobile app and help us refine the experience before public release.

This is your chance to shape the future of our products while enjoying exclusive early access to new product releases and features before they become publicly available.

To provide feedback on performance, usability, and any potential issues and help improve our products by sharing your insights and suggestions

Program size: 20 beta testers

Activity level
It is expected of you to regularly provide feedback during the beta testing periods.


  • Get exclusive early access to new product releases and features
  • Direct impact on improving our products
  • Recognition for your contributions


  • Use the beta products regularly during the testing period
  • Report bugs, issues, and feedback through our provided channels
  • Maintain confidentiality about unreleased features
  • Ability to provide your feedback in English

Members must sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to safeguard any confidential or proprietary information disclosed during testing. Membership is limited to a maximum term of one (1) year to promote diverse participation over time. Membership is on a voluntary basis, and no financial compensation will be provided.


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Liity tiimiimme

Tule mukaan tehtävään, jonka tarkoituksena on antaa todellisille ihmisille ja organisaatioille mahdollisuus tehdä maailmasta vihreämpi paikka.

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